Wednesday, January 22, 2014

stl value semantics

STL value semantics c++ : Standard Template Library Tutorial,

Container Elements

Elements of containers must meet certain requirements because containers handle them in a special way. In this section I describe these requirements. I also discuss the consequences of the fact that containers make copies of their elements internally.

Requirements for Container Elements

Containers, iterators, and algorithms of the STL are templates. Thus, they can process any type, whether predefined or user defined. However, because of the operations that are called, some requirements apply. The elements of STL containers must meet the following three fundamental requirements:
  1. An element must be copyable by a copy constructor. The generated copy should be equivalent to the source. This means that any test for equality returns that both are equal and that both source and copy behave the same.
    All containers create internal copies of their elements and return temporary copies of them, so the copy constructor is called very often. Thus, the copy constructor should perform well (this is not a requirement, but a hint to get better performance). If copying objects takes too much time you can avoid copying objects by using the containers with reference semantics.
  2. An element must be assignable by the assignment operator. Containers and algorithms use assignment operators to overwrite old elements with new elements.
  3. An element must be destroyable by a destructor. Containers destroy their internal copies of elements when these elements are removed from the container. Thus, the destructor must not be private. Also, as usual in C++, a destructor must not throw; otherwise, all bets are off.
These three operations are generated implicitly for any class. Thus, a class meets the requirements automatically, provided no special versions of these operations are defined and no special members disable the sanity of those operations.

Elements might also have to meet the following requirements:
  • For some member functions of sequence containers, the default constructor must be available. For example, it is possible to create a nonempty container or increase the number of elements with no hint of the values those new elements should have. These elements are created without any arguments by calling the default constructor of their type.
  • For several operations, the test of equality with operator == must be defined. It is especially needed when elements are searched.
  • For associative containers the operations of the sorting criterion must be provided by the elements. By default, this is the operator <, which is called by the less<> function object.

Value Semantics or Reference Semantics

All containers create internal copies of their elements and return copies of those elements. This means that container elements are equal but not identical to the objects you put into the container. If you modify objects as elements of the container, you modify a copy, not the original object.

Copying values means that the STL containers provide value semantics. They contain the values of the objects you insert rather than the objects themselves. In practice, however, you also need reference semantics. This means that the containers contain references to the objects that are their elements.

The approach of the STL, only to support value semantics, has strengths and weaknesses. Its strengths are:
  • Copying elements is simple.
  • References are error prone. You must ensure that references don't refer to objects that no longer exist. You also have to manage circular references, which might occur.
Its weaknesses are:
  • Copying elements might result in bad performance or may not even be possible.
  • Managing the same object in several containers at the same time is not possible.
In practice you need both approaches; you need copies that are independent of the original data (value semantics) and copies that still refer to the original data and get modified accordingly (reference semnatics). Unfortunately, there is no support for reference semantics in the C++ standard library. However, you can implement reference semantics in terms of value semantics.

The obvious approach to implementing reference semantics is to use pointers as elements. However, ordinary pointers have the usual problems. For example, objects to which they refer may no longer exist, and comparisons may not work as desired because pointers instead of the objects are compared. Thus, you should be very careful when you use ordinary pointers as container elements.

A better approach is to use a kind of smart pointer — objects that have a pointer-like interface but that do some additional checking or processing internally. The important question here is, how smart do they have to be? The C++ standard library does provide a smart pointer class that might look like it would be useful here: auto_ptr. However, you can't use auto_ptrs because they don't meet a fundamental requirement for container elements. That is, after a copy or an assignment of an auto_ptr is made, source and destination are not equivalent. In fact, the source auto_ptr gets modified because its value gets transferred and not copied. In practice, this means that sorting or even printing the elements of a container might destroy them. So, do not use auto.ptrs as container elements (if you have a standard-conforming C++ system, you will get an error at compile time if you try to use an auto_ptr as a container element).

To get reference semantics for STL containers you must write your own smart pointer class. But be aware: Even if you use a smart pointer with reference counting (a smart pointer that destroys its value automatically when the last reference to it gets destroyed), it is troublesome. For example, if you have direct access to the elements, you can modify their values while they are in the container. Thus, you could break the order of elements in an associative container. You don't want to do this.

See Also:


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