Tuesday, August 2, 2011

/etc/security/user : AIX - User administration related files

The /etc/security/user file contains extended user attributes. This is an ASCII file that contains attribute stanzas for users. The mkuser command creates a stanza in this file for each new user and initializes its attributes with the default attributes
defined in the /usr/lib/security/mkuser.default file. Each stanza in the /etc/security/user file is identified by a user name, followed by a colon (:), and contains comma-separated attributes in the Attribute=Value form. If an attribute is not defined for a user, either the default stanza or the default value for the attribute is used. You can have multiple default stanzas in the
/etc/security/user file. A default stanza applies to all of the stanzas that follow, but does not apply to the stanzas preceding it. Each attribute is ended by a new-line character, and each stanza is ended by an additional new-line character.
The mkuser command creates an entry for each new user in the
/etc/security/user file and initializes its attributes with the attributes defined in the /usr/lib/security/mkuser.default file. To change attribute values, use the chuser command. To display the attributes and their values, use the lsuser command.
To remove a user, use the rmuser command.

Password controls

The /etc/security/user file contains many attributes that allow you to control how users must manage their passwords. These attributes include:

  • histsize Defines the number of previous passwords a user cannot reuse.The value is a decimal integer string. The default is 0.
  • histexpire Defines the period of time (in weeks) that a user cannot reuse a password. The value is a decimal integer string. The default is 0, indicating that no time limit is set.
  • maxexpired Defines the maximum time (in weeks) beyond the maxage value that a user can change an expired password. After this defined time, only an administrative user can change the password. The value is a decimal integer string. The default is -1, indicating no restriction is set. If the maxexpired attribute is 0, the password expires when the maxage value is met. If the maxage attribute is 0, the maxexpired attribute is ignored.
  • maxage Defines the maximum age (in weeks) of a password. The password must be changed by this time. The value is a decimal integer string. The default is a value of 0, indicating no maximum age.
  • minage Defines the minimum age (in weeks) a password must be before it can be changed. The value is a decimal integer string. The default is a value of 0, indicating no minimum age.
  • minlen Defines the minimum length of a password. The value is a decimal integer string. The default is a value of 0, indicating no minimum length. The maximum value allowed is 8. The value of minlen is determined by the minalpha value added to the minother value. If the result of this addition is greater than the minlen attribute, the value is set to the result.
  • minalpha Defines the minimum number of alphabetic characters that must be in a new password. The value is a decimal integer string. The default is a value of 0, indicating no minimum number.
  • minother Defines the minimum number of non-alphabetic characters that must be in a new password. The value is a decimal integer string. The default is a value of 0, indicating no minimum number.
  • maxrepeats Defines the maximum number of times a character can be repeated in a new password. Since a value of 0 is meaningless, the default value of 8 indicates that there is no maximum number. The value is a decimal integer string.
  • mindiff Defines the minimum number of characters required in a new password that were not in the old password. The value is a decimal integer string. The default is a value of 0, indicating no minimum number.

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